--> CommunityGaming: Hunter Character Sheet Released!!


   Thursday, July 01, 2004  

! Hunter Character Sheet Released!!

Community Gaming.Org - Gaming Aids

It took me all day, when I needed to do other things.. But I finally finished a new, remade, better than ever version of the character sheet for HUNTER: The Reckoning.

V1 was my first ever character sheet effort... Really good for what I had to work with..
V2 looked great, but Microsoft Excels checkboxes were a memory-hog, and not the easiest to use..

V3 is almost exactly what i was trying for all along. :)

If you're playing HUNTER: The Reckoning, or ever have in the past, or plan to in the future, please download and critique!! I'd love an unbiased opinion. :)

I also have a character sheet for Hackmaster by Kenzer Co., approved for distribution by Brian Jelke.
If Hackmaster is more to your style you can pick that one up as well.

More character sheets are on their way, and should be announced soon...
(You can also get a sneak peek at an Alpha Version character sheet that's well on it's way)

And if you'd like to create first level 'by the book' characters for download by other visitors, feel free to submit them !!
(please use the email link on the Gaming Aids page menu.. I'm to tired to code a no-spam submission link. :) )

Thanks for the Visit, and enjoy!!

         [ Posted by: Daedreem  @ 11:47 PM ] [ 2 Responses ]

2 Responses.  

Well, my comments are biased, of course ;), but I love the look of the Character Sheets section of the page. It just looks so cool!

Now, as to the sheets themselves -

There's one thing I noticed that I think you could change. You have a line for temporary willpower, and the permanent willpower setting. You've filled in the permanent one. You have one line for Conviction, and you've filled that in, as well. Since you may need to change that, how about a line for Conviction like the one for Willpower?

[ By Blogger Alien Truther @ July 2, 2004 at 8:54 AM ]   

I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure it would work..

Willpower you spend and regain every session.. hence the double bar for logging it..

Conviction works differently... you gain and lose it every session, but it starts back right at where you gain and lose it too....
That blank is better just filled out with pencil.

I'll wait for other reader comments before making a change.
Thanks for the Biased Complement and Unbiased Comment!! :)

[ By Blogger Daedreem @ July 18, 2004 at 9:18 AM ]  [ Post a Comment ]

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